Month: November 2019

5 Fab Tips for Your Social Media Makeover

Are your social media accounts feeling stale and out of date? Do you want to take your pages from drab to fab? Then now’s the time to give your online presence a makeover! We all love a good makeover. It’s a popular montage in movies and it’s proven to be a successful TV show model. […]

Arroyo Grande Welcomes You to ‘Wander Here’

In Arroyo Grande, those who wander are definitely not lost. They are explorers setting out on a new adventure. They are families, friends, couples or even individuals looking to set their own itinerary and enjoy the charms of Arroyo Grande at their own pace. To capture the essence of Visit Arroyo Grande’s new campaign, “Wander Here,” the […]

The 24-Hour Give Is Full of Surprises!

After careful thought, ECHO and Verdin have decided to transfer Verdin’s proprietary marketing cure to our other finalist, the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County. “As we went through the planning for this year’s 24-Hour Give, it was determined that the timing is not right for us to accept this rebrand. We are in the midst […]

Scoring Big at Your Next Trade Show

Last month, we joined several of our tourism clients in Anaheim, CA, to participate in International Pow Wow, or IPW, an international inbound travel trade show. This is truly a show, with an abundance of exiting exhibits, interactive activities and over-the-top booths. So how do you score big with this kind of competition? Below are […]

Maximizing Instagram

Recently we came across a very lengthy research report on Instagram engagement conducted by Hubspot, a popular marketing software developer. Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has grown to be more popular than its parent company, Facebook, as well as Snapchat and Twitter. It is likely because Instagram thoughtfully focuses on user experience, making it more enjoyable. […]


Onomatopoeia. It’s a fun word to say. In Latin, it translates to “word making,” which is fitting because an onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the thing it’s describing through sound. With that in mind, imagine yourself eating a fajita dinner with all the fixin’s at Old Juan’s Cantina in Oceano. What do you smell? […]

Visit Oxnard’s New Logo Goes From Bureaucratic to Bold and Bubbly to Match the Destination

A brand’s logo is typically its most visible and memorable element. The majority of adults—and even preschoolers—can instantly identify a business or organization by its logo, even if the name isn’t part of the design (think: Nike, Coca-cola, Disney). Also, your logo is often the first thing potential customers notice about your business, so it definitely […]

Marketing to Gen Z Easy as A-B-C!

The Greatest Generation, The Silent Generation, Generation X, Millennials. These are probably all age groups you know and understand. But what about the new kids on the block, Generation Z? Born during the mid ’90s and early 2000s, Gen Zers make up the world’s fastest-growing demographic cohort. In fact, in the United States Gen Z has […]