Month: September 2015

Raising Awareness to Help Prevent Suicide

Raising Awareness to Help Prevent Suicide About 28 years ago, a few compassionate individuals suffering from loss had a vision to provide a private source of support for others who have lost a loved one to suicide. These families teamed with scientists to create the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, or AFSP. Today, the AFSP […]

Verdin Helps Keep Isla Vista Safe

Verdin Helps Keep Isla Vista Safe In light of last spring’s tragic events, the University of California at Santa Barbara knew they had to do something to increase the safety of their students living in the community of Isla Vista. As a result, County and School entities joined forces to fund a campaign to help […]

Your True Gender Conference 2015

Your True Gender Conference 2015 Your True Gender is a nonprofit group dedicated to providing transgender education and awareness. The organization is hosting the Your True Gender Conference 2015 that will engage guests in a conversation about transgender interests. It will host a variety of speakers including psychologists, lawyers, surgeons, and doctors. This conference will […]

​Central Coast LIVE! Features Musicians Exclusively from the Central Coast

​Central Coast LIVE! Features Musicians Exclusively from the Central Coast by: The Amazing Verdin Intern Looking for a way to listen to all your favorite local bands in one place? Central Coast LIVE! Inc., a new media broadcasting company located in Paso Robles, has just introduced their new Internet radio exclusively featuring local musicians and […]

Five Ways to Be a Good Neighbor This School Year

Five Ways to Be a Good Neighbor This School Year by: Amy Watson “Back to school” is here – in our email inboxes, in our stores, and all over our Facebook feeds. Cuesta classes are already underway and Cal Poly is gearing up for day one on September 21. For all students, the next few […]

Sheriff’s Family Day – A Day in the Life of Law Enforcement

Sheriff’s Family Day – A Day in the Life of Law Enforcement by: The Amazing Verdin Intern Where can kids feel the push of the wind as a helicopter lands right in front of them, watch Sheriff’s Office K-9’s at work, or marvel at demonstrations from the local SWAT Team and Bomb Squad? At this […]