Month: August 2015

A new source of support for local cancer patients

A new source of support for local cancer patients Noreen Martin lost her husband to cancer. The man she remarried years later, Dr. Chris Hulburd, is a cancer survivor himself.This inspiring couple believes in fighting cancer – with education.This year, Noreen and Chris established the Martin Hulburd Family Cancer Education Fund with a $300,000 gift. […]

Ready, Set, Record!

Ready, Set, Record! by: Lisa Campolmi Every day we hear more and more about how short videos are becoming the very best way to share your company’s message and story. Until recently, lots of businesses have felt overwhelmed by the idea of producing and creating their own videos. With new smartphone technology readily available, anyone […]

What’s Your Crisis Communication Plan? Do You Need One?

What’s Your Crisis Communication Plan? Do You Need One? by: Mary Verdin If you think you don’t have time to create a crisis communication plan then this post is for you – keep reading!People in general don’t like the concept of insurance. After all, who wants to pay now for something they may or may […]

Targeting the Mommy Market

Targeting the Mommy Market by: Lisa Campolmi Targeting the Mommy Market? Here’s what you need to know!In a large, national research project about “Moms and Media” by last year, new and surprising trends were uncovered. If moms are an important target audience for your brand, pay attention!Top 10 Mommy Stats:Moms are the most mobile […]

Tax Tips to Make Your Accountant Smile

Tax Tips to Make Your Accountant Smile It’s time to start getting organized for tax season! April 15th will be here before you know it, so we’ve put together some tips that will save you time and money in the accountant’s office.Contribute to Retirement AccountsIf you haven’t made your 2015 contribution to your traditional IRA […]

Cinemagraphs Decoded

Cinemagraphs Decoded by: Lisa Campolmi You’ve probably seen one in the last year. It probably tricked your eye and made you look twice, or three times, or four. But you probably didn’t know what it was. Such is the power of “cinemagraphs,” images that combine static photography and video into one. Generally only one or […]