Month: March 2016

Origins of 5 Famous Taglines, Logos, and Company Names

Origins of 5 Famous Taglines, Logos, and Company Names by: Christiana Newcomb We see their logos plastered on newspapers, buildings and merchandise, and their names are used in everyday conversation, but do we know why these famous companies have chosen to brand themselves the way they have? Read on for the origins behind your favorite […]

Get Creative in Five Easy Steps

Get Creative in Five Easy Steps by: Christiana Newcomb Whether we’re trying to come up with a clever advertising headline, an original design concept or a business idea, we all get creatively stumped every now and then. So how do you get those creative juices flowing again?Read on to understand a little more of the […]

Action Hero: The March for Babies

Action Hero: The March for Babies by: Jamie Maraviglia Every year, about 450,000 babies are born in the United States. Although our country’s preterm birth rate has declined by 11 percent over the last 7 years, at 11.4 percent, it is still higher than that of most developed nations.Premature birth costs society more than $26 […]

Welcome to the Binge Boom

Welcome to the Binge Boom by: Lisa Campolmi If you are interested in pop culture, here is the latest trend. A new report from TiVO research is getting press regarding the rapid growth of binge television viewing. Spoiler alert: Americans love to binge watch TV! Here are just a few details on this growing development.Binge […]