Month: August 2016

What’s New With Social Media Marketing? Try Keeping Up!

What’s New With Social Media Marketing? Try Keeping Up! by: Lisa Campolmi The Only Thing New With Social Media Marketing Is Change, Change, and More Change!Make no mistake; social media marketing is here to stay. Recent research by E Marketer highlights growing trends in the social media landscape and changes in usage by age groups. […]

The Celebration of Caring Gala will bring Havana to you

The Celebration of Caring Gala will bring Havana to you Experience Havana, Cuba… from the Madonna Inn Expo Center!French Hospital Medical Center Foundation’s Annual “Celebration of Caring Gala” has made a name for itself in our community – for its dazzling themes, big heart and the generous community response that brings lifesaving support to the […]

The Story of the YOFAFO Logo

The Story of the YOFAFO Logo by: Amy Watson It all started with research. When we were tasked with designing an identity for the Youth Focus Africa Foundation (YOFAFO), we were thrilled to take on such a creative and meaningful project but knew it was necessary to be informed and knowledgeable before jumping into the […]

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update Rolls Out This Month – How Much Traffic Will Your Website Lose?

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update Rolls Out This Month – How Much Traffic Will Your Website Lose? If your website isn’t optimized for the mobile experience, this is your warning!Mobile-geddon Is Upon Us – Are You Ready?People often ask us if a mobile responsive website is ‘really’ necessary. Well, remember how 15 years ago you were questioning […]

Should your business use Instagram to advertise?

Should your business use Instagram to advertise? by: Lisa Campolmi It seems like everywhere I go these days, someone is talking about Instagram. Instagram’s user base grows daily with more than 400 million monthly active members, making it the fastest growing social platform around. As of November 2015 more than 40 billion photos have been […]

How to Deal With Yelp: 4 Things to Remember

How to Deal With Yelp: 4 Things to Remember by: Christiana Newcomb Let’s be honest… sometimes Yelp seems like the worst invention ever. Even the best businesses experience Yelp challenges, but there are ways to use it to your advantage. According to AdWeek, a one-star increase on Yelp leads to a 5%-9% increase in revenue, […]

Goodwill Central Coast – Back to School Campaign Recap

Goodwill Central Coast – Back to School Campaign Recap Get more at Goodwill! Summer is over, and it’s time to pull out the books and head back to school. To encourage parents and students to shop at Goodwill for all things back to school and get more for their money, Goodwill Central Coast, a local […]

Action Hero: Strong Women, Strong Girls

Action Hero: Strong Women, Strong Girls Instilling confidence, battling self-esteem issues, fostering leadership and strengthening communities. These important objectives give girls brighter futures.There are many inspirational programs on local, national and international levels that work toward these objectives. This month, we’re looking at one such program in Boston and Pittsburgh that serves as a powerful […]