Month: February 2019

Happy Heart Month

Happy Heart Month by: Kaitlyn Hoyer Learn how to love your heart this month.When we think about February we tend to associate it with Valentine’s Day—but at Verdin, we’re challenging you to dedicate this month to loving your heart! February is American Heart Month and Dignity Health Central Coast is joining the American Heart Association […]

Visit Atascadero—Love is in the Air!

Visit Atascadero—Love is in the Air! by: Kaitlyn Hoyer Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it, and what better place to spend it than on California’s beautiful Central Coast? Before you buy any jewelry or make five-star reservations someplace else, consider a relaxing night on the town. During the weekend before Valentine’s day, […]

Help Others (and Yourself!) by Giving Back on Giving Tuesday

Help Others (and Yourself!) by Giving Back on Giving Tuesday Mark your calendars for Giving Tuesday, November 27th It is scientifically proven that giving back to others improves both your mental and physical health. According to the Community Health Network, giving back activates reward systems in your brain, so you are helping yourself as well […]

So You Have a Brand Guide…Now What?

So You Have a Brand Guide…Now What? by: Megan Condict If you’re not familiar with graphic design, going through your business’s new brand guide might be overwhelming. You might find yourself frustrated wondering why a red has to be precisely Pantone 199, or why anyone cares if you use Times New Roman instead of Arial. […]

Stand-out Commercials from Super Bowl LIII

Stand-out Commercials from Super Bowl LIII by: Kaitlyn Hoyer Sure, Super Bowl is about sports, but it is also the one time of the year you don’t want to skip through commercial breaks! While the game itself might have been slow-paced, we hope that you were entertained by the line-up of commercials. In no particular […]