Month: December 2016

Verdin’s Eight Ad Picks of 2016

Verdin’s Eight Ad Picks of 2016 by: Casey Page 2016 was without a doubt a year for clever and inspiring ads. Advertisers took advantage of the ever-growing number of available platforms, delivering some applause-worthy results. This list of top 2016 ads is a group effort, and it’s as diverse and creative as our team itself. […]

Refining your strategic thinking skills: here’s why and here’s how

Refining your strategic thinking skills: here’s why and here’s how by: Ashlee Akers, VP Client Services As the New Year unfolds, resolutions are put to the test. You may have started visiting the gym five times a week or adopting a healthier eating plan. What about refining your strategic thinking skills?Strategic thinking skills are important […]

The El Niño Loop

The El Niño Loop by: Amy Watson El Niño dampening your travel plans? Maybe you just need to rethink your itinerary. California’s Central Coast is famous for beautiful outdoor activities, but the good news is that’s not the only thing going for this part of the state. Allow us to present… the El Niño Loop! […]

Preparing for El Niño

Preparing for El Niño by: City of San Luis Obispo Utilities Department Our friends at the City of San Luis Obispo Utilities Department have put together a few tips that we can all keep in mind while preparing for El Niño:We are well into the rainy season but it’s never too late to prepare for […]

Verdin’s clients recognized in the 2016 MarCom Awards

Verdin’s clients recognized in the 2016 MarCom Awards We were thrilled to hear that our work won 11 awards in the 2016 MarCom competition, one the largest international competitions for marketing and communications professionals. It’s exciting for many reasons. Plain and simple, we love our clients. These awards represent successes for them, and that’s the […]