Patty and Penny lead the way in PETS Hospital’s Canine Blood Donor Program
Patty is a three-year-old pit bull who broke both of her back legs and her pelvis when she was hit by a car.
Penny is a six-year-old pit bull who needed a lifesaving surgery for a prolapsed uterus.
Each of these adorable pups were adopted by veterinarians at PETS Hospital, a 24-hour veterinary emergency and urgent care center for pets located in Orcutt, CA. Patty and Penny received the procedures they needed to get a second chance at life, and now they spread love and hugs to other patients and their families at PETS Hospital. Penny is the hospital’s official goodwill ambassador, and her joyful presence never fails to put a smile on people’s faces.
These two dogs are also leading the way in donating blood to other dogs in need through the hospital’s Canine Blood Donor Program.
The program is serviced by a collection of pets that are enrolled to donate blood as often as once every three months. This prepares PETS Hospital to be able to give emergency blood transfusions to save the lives of pets in crisis situations, like those that faced Patty and Penny.
Pet owners might bristle at the thought of bringing in their dog to get blood drawn, but PETS Hospital works to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. After light sedation to relax the pet, the blood is drawn and IV fluids are given to replace the volume of liquids lost. The entire process typically takes only 15 minutes. The pet receives a yummy snack as a thank you, and the owner receives annual blood work results for their pet as well as a $50 per donation “thank you” gift from PETS Hospital.
Before a pet donates, PETS Hospital will take a blood panel to ensure the pet is healthy and free of infectious disease, and a blood test to determine the blood type of the pet. Dogs must be between the ages of one and eight, at least 50 pounds, and of good nature.
Cats can donate too! PETS Hospital has a Feline Donor Program that accepts cats between the ages of one and eight years old, at least nine pounds, in good health and good-natured.
Patty and Penny thank you for considering enrollment in this program! Interested pet owners can call (805) 250-5600 or email [email protected] and include “ATTN: Dr. Hooper” to learn more about the program. You can learn more about PETS Hospital at