Stand Strong – formerly known as the Women’s Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo County – was the recipient of Verdin’s 24-Hour Give last November. We had the pleasure of working with this organization (for 24 straight hours!) to provide them with a full rebrand and marketing plan they’ve been carrying out ever since.
Stand Strong is an inspiration. Although their former name held years of community recognition, it was linked to a misconception that this organization only provides shelter to women. In reality, they do so much more. Stand Strong is leading a community movement to end domestic violence, and it was incredible for us to partner with them in telling the complete story of what they do.
We like to check in with our 24-Hour Give winners to learn how the rebrand continues to impact their bottom line after the dust settles. Here is what the team at Stand Strong had to say:
To start… how have the past six months been for Stand Strong in general?
The past six months have been great! There have been lots of changes and new opportunities, and we are excited to see what the future holds!
How has Stand Strong been able to use the materials you received in the 24-Hour Give so far?
We have used the Give materials in a variety of ways. There are signs with our new logo at both of our office locations. We printed postcards explaining the name change and reminding folks that our services are still the same. We are printing a new, bilingual brochure with all of our services in one place. Our website is beautiful and allows us to keep the community well-informed.
What are the biggest differences you’ve seen in your organization since the rebrand?
From the outreach and marketing side, we have a sense of cohesion that wasn’t quite there before. Our outreach materials are consistent and on-brand, our social media matches those printed materials, and our website is polished and professional.
Have you noticed effects of increased visibility?
We have had two full volunteer trainings since the Give, and everyone is always eager to discuss the new name on the first day! Through our outreach events and social media, we have been able to engage with the community about the new name and why we feel it is an important step for our organization. We have also been able to discuss the new name and its significance with donors and foundation grantees, and it helps to open up a discussion about inclusion and assumptions.
Have you noticed a difference in how you and/or the organization’s board, volunteers, etc. feels about Stand Strong?
Among the volunteers, there is a sense of camaraderie, and an appreciation that we are having conversations about the direction of our organization and the general movement to end violence.
Overall, do you feel like more community members now understand the breadth of what you do and what you offer?
Absolutely. The new name has started a conversation about community-level engagement with violence prevention, intervention, and treatment. To help encourage this conversation, we always address a community call to action when we present to partner agencies, donors, volunteers, and students.
We look forward to more inspiring stories as Stand Strong continues to carry out their mission in our county. Learn more and get involved at!
Pictured above: Mary Verdin kicks off the intake session at the 2017 24-Hour Give.