5 Tips on How to Drink Cider (And Look Cool While Doing So)
Is it different than drinking wine or beer, you ask? In short: yes. Of course there are a few similarities but don’t assume your beer tasting techniques automatically make you a cider connoisseur. Cider is a whole new ball game.
With the Central Coast Cider Festival coming up this weekend, we want to make sure that you’re prepared! That’s why we put together five tips that will make for an exciting and taste-bud-tingling cider tasting experience.
1. Start with dry, end with sweet.
Just like with wine, starting with whites and ending with reds, it is also important to drink cider in order! Start with semi/dry ciders and end with the sweet ciders. High sugar content can overwhelm your taste buds so save those for last!
2. Room temperature > ice-cold.
Unlike a popularly refreshing ice-cold beer, ice-cold cider could end up tasting like… well… nothing, as extreme cold tends to mask its flavor. If the cider is refrigerated, cider-tasting experts suggest waiting until the cider reaches almost room temperature with sweet ciders, and exactly room temperature for dry ciders in order to fully experience the flavor.
3. The right glassware is everything.
Try not to drink cider right out of the bottle. Fluted glasses or mason jars provide the best way to assess the cider in all aspects: flavor, aroma, body and finish.
4. Learn the lingo.
Take a minute to learn how to properly evaluate the cider. Assessing the attributes gives way to more appreciation of a well-crafted cider!
5. Cider and food: a match made in cider heaven.
Ciders, especially those on the drier side, pair very well with a range of appetizers from cheeses to chicken. Don’t be afraid to experiment!
Quick tips for a safe ride home
Don’t hesitate to utilize all available services in order to ensure a safe trip home! Your Uber driver will love to hear all about your cider-tasting experience in Atascadero at Central Coast Cider Festival.
And there you have it! Now you’ll look like a pro at this weekend’s Cider Festival, and we can rest easier knowing that we’ve adequately prepared you. Cheers and happy tasting!